Monday, May 25, 2009


More from Andreas...

Snap shots

Thanks to Andreas for these:

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Man on man

thick neck too!

Hot killer

Great stealth action

No sentries will survive

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Really goofy

Kind of hot anyway. You can skip ahead to 2:00

Yeah! Yeah! Yeah! Yeah!

4 of the best neck snaps on film. Bas Rutten is responsible for 3 of them.

Friday, May 8, 2009

I'd like to know

....who you guys that visit this site are. There's a tracker that tells me what country you're from, but the rest is up to my imagination. Send me something about yourselves- and photos are encouraged. Confidentiality guaranteed.

Is that a twig snapping?

Nope. It's some stud's neck.
Thanks to that saint Will700s for watching all the crap exposition in all the crap movies ever made to fuel our perverted ecstasies!

Jesus! 4 guy's necks snapped in 1 minute!

He is my GOD!

The cheesier, the hotter

can't explain it. Any ideas, guys?