Thursday, November 19, 2009

Lots of reasons

lots of reasons why this should not be hot.... blind girl is 1.... but the skanky villains and the white trash hero just somehow do it, don't they?

One of my first

and still favorite. Skinny Thai champion killed by raw American muscle


One of the best all-time fights to the death. Skinny bastard snaps dad next door's neck.


Nice boy, but he'll snap your neck like a twig

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Beautiful slo-mo

Brian Bosworth uses some awesome lethal force here. I am indebted for the slo-mo replay to whoever is responsible. Genius.

Wish I could slow it down

Kind of a quick, jerky scene, but as you will see, still worth it. All this guy does in the movie is break necks. Let's hope they make a sequel.

Gary does it again

How many necks has that man snapped? Thanks to BodyMM on YT for yet another great snap.

Gratuitous kill

Big muscle guy gets his neck snapped just so the lean fighter can show he knows how.

Dan B.

Makes it look so easy! or maybe that guy just has a fragile neck.

My idol, Gary Daniels

snaps the neck of a hot henchman by flexing his disproportionately huge bicep

Always loved this clip

Christ. I'd love to be in that room.

Great lethal attacks

Thanks to thehog2 for uploading lots of GREAT and many obscure clips!

How about.....

For a change of pace, a snapped spine?