Sunday, March 30, 2008

Saturday, March 29, 2008

NEW STORY! Thanks to


Lance was 18 years old, was 5’10” tall, weighed 180 lbs and was built like a brick shithouse. His hair was dark brown and curly that matched his brown eyes. His physique was that of a classic Greek statue molded like a fighter. His broad shoulders tapered down V-shaped to solidly muscled abdominals that were chiseled into squares. His hips were thick to support his tree trunk thighs that led down to well muscled legs and strong feet, the lower half of his torso appeared to be made of granite. His pectorals were strong and well developed with large bullet shaped nipples that were large for his size. As to his mental attitude that was nothing short of amoral and brutal with a penchant for subjecting his opponent with as much pain as he could dish out. He was undefeated and had left many a wrestler broken to the point that they never wrestled again. To top it all off he was smug and totally convinced that he was unbeatable.

Only one wrestler defied him and that was a blond Adonis by the name of Jon. Jon was 6’ and weighed 185 lbs. He had blond hair down to his shoulders and was blue eyed. He was also broad shouldered that tapered down to a slim waist that was as hard as a rock. His abdominals were washboard etched and as hard as steel. He had spring steel hips that carried muscular thighs and strong legs. But his most outstanding feature was his pectoral muscles that bulged out of his chest tipped with nipples that thrust out like small torpedo heads. Like Lance he was a sadistic and brutal wrestler that took no prisoners and had left a trail of broken wrestlers in his wake. Where Lance was totally brutal and amoral Jon was crafty and mean, taking advantage of any slip-up his opponent might make. As to brutality he was just as wanton to punish his opponent with painful holds and enjoyed doing it.

Whereas Lance and Jon had wrestled many other studs for the sheer joy and brutalizing them the fight that was going to happen between Lance and Jon went beyond that. This fight was going to be the most brutal fight either of them had been in and was fueled by hatred so imbedded that only total destruction and death would settle the affair. Many times before they had planned the fight only to have someone or something interfere at the last minute. This time there would be nothing to stop them. The place would be an abandoned barn that both knew about that was empty and never visited. The floor was dirt with some stray hay strewn about, some old ropes, a broken pitchfork, and some left over bricks that had been stored there to repair the chimney of the house no longer there.
They were to meet there at 6PM while there was still summer light left. They would arrive clothed but would strip naked so that neither would have the advantage as this death fight would be hand to hand, body to body, with no holds barred as defeat and death were the objects. Both came like Spartan gladiators knowing that only one would come out alive. It was if time had gone back to the land of the Greeks where wrestling was always in the nude and wrestling continued until one gladiator was brutally beaten and then finished off with a lethal hold. It was this that Lance and Jon came to the barn.

Page 1
Lance arrived first and waited for Jon to arrive. When Jon did he closed the barn door and barred it so that there would be no interruption once the fight started. No words were spoken between the two as they stripped ready to fight, They then moved out to the center of the dirt covered floor and stalked each other looking for an opening hold. Each was in a classic wrestler position, Lance using the Oklahoma stance and Jon the Iowa stance. As they circled their thudding feet stirred up dust from the barn floor. Both made some feints but pulled back warily when it was too dangerous to close.

It was Jon who made the first contact as he lashed out with a foot and caught Lance dead center in his big cock and heavily hung balls. The blow sent Lance down to the dirt to his knees Jon instantly came up behind him and clamped him in a choke hold. With his forearms and biceps bulging Jon started to constrict the hold around Lance’s neck. Lance’s neck muscles tensed and he slowly came up from one knee and then with effort back to his feet. As he was doing so he reached back and grabbed Jon’s head and bent swiftly over to flip Jon over his head onto the dirt floor with a force that jarred Jon’s whole body from his ass all the way up his spine and into his neck.

Lance then came down with an elbow smash to Jon’s cock and balls that doubled Jon up. As Jon lay writhing on the dirt floor Lance kicked him in the kidney that sent Jon writhing even more violently. Lance jumped on Jon’s head with both feet and then went over to where the stack of bricks lay. He grabbed one and came back to smash the brick into Jon’s head leaving a gash that oozed blood. But as Lance lifted the brick for another blow to Jon’s head Jon lashed out with his arm and brought it up between Lance’s legs to smash into Lance’s cock and balls. Lance dropped the brick and doubled over himself. While Lance lay on his back Jon came down with his own elbow smash directly into Lance’s groin. The blow caused Lance almost to puke.

Jon dragged Lance to his feet and monkey flipped him to the dirt but didn’t stop there as he dragged Lance to his feet and repeated the monkey flip. Jon then came down on Lance’s head with both knees and instantly brought blood from Lance’s mouth and nose. Jon rose up and came down a second time but Lance moved at the last second and Jon landed on both knees with terrific force that sent Jon flat out onto his stomach in agony. Lance wasted no time in climbing on Jon’s back and clamping him in a full nelson. Seated in the middle of Jon’s back Lance was able to lift Jon’s head in the nelson and bend Jon’s spine at the same time. But Jon fought back and grabbed Lance’s head and flipped him over as he reared up.

Both fighters rose up and circled again. Lance reached down and grabbed a handful of dirt from the floor and threw it into Jon’s face momentarily blinding him. This gave him time to deliver another kick to Jon’s cock and balls which he followed up by elbow smashing Jon’s back and driving him to the floor. He instantly climbed on Jon’s back and grabbed him in a chin lock and yanked brutally back bending Jon’s spine and neck. Jon tore at Lance’s hands in a attempt to rip them loose but could not. Slowly Lance bent Jon’s head further back almost to the snapping point but at the last moment Jon’s grabbed some dirt and in desperation threw it toward Lance’s face. It worked and Lance dropped the chin lock and grabbed for his eyes. Jon immediately reared up and threw Lance over his head. Lance landed on his back and Jon was instantly on him with flying fists. He pounded Lance’s face until it was a bloody mess and then stopped the punches to use his hands around Lance’s throat in a choke hold. But Lance retaliated with some punches of his own to Jon’s face which made Jon break the choke.
By now both were covered with dirt and blood. Jon charged in and took Lance down with a tackle and grabbed one of Lance’s arms in a hammer lock and bent it far up Lance’s back. When Lance lifted his head in an effort to turn over and break the hold Jon used his free hand to grab Lance’s hair and smash his face into the dirt three or four times. All this battering brought more blood to Lance’s face as he struggled to break free. But Jon continued to push on the hammer lock. But the blood that now covered a lot of both bodies made the hold slippery and Lance wriggled free. In doing so he reversed the position and got Jon in the same hold. He then used brutal force to jam Jon’s arm so high that it tore Jon’s arm from shoulder socket. Lance then took revenge for the face smash into the dirt by doing the same to Jon as he lay writhing from the torn shoulder.
Lance grabbed Jon’s long blond hair and dragged him to his feet. He then used a crotch lift to slam Jon to the dirt landing him on his wounded shoulder causing Jon to flop in agony. Lance followed this up by lifting Jon once more to a standing position with Jon’s blond hair and keeping the hold on the hair as he ran Jon into the barn wall. Lance released the hair and Jon fell backwards to writhe on the floor with blood streaming from his all over his face. Lance then went over to the wall and took the pitchfork that had one broken tine and went back to where Jon still writhed in the dirt. With deliberation Lance drove the one part of the pitchfork into Jon’s thigh pinning him to the dirt.
He then went over and took two bricks and put them under Jon’s good leg under the knee. He aimed his foot with precision and brought it down on Jon’s thigh just above Jon’s knee supported by the brick and broke Jon’s kneecap. Now Jon was totally vulnerable to anything that Lance wanted to do to him. By this time Lance’s mammoth cock was at full mast and throbbing and his sacs hung swollen beneath it. He removed the pitchfork from Jon’s thigh and dragged him to his feet once more. Unseen Jon had picked up one of the bricks and held it in the hand with the good arm. As Lance brought him up to a standing position Jon swung the brick and smashed it into Lance’s face splattering blood all over his arm from Lance’s broken face.
The blow staggered Lance and gave Jon the chance to wrap his good arm around Lance’s neck in a choke hold. Jon used it to bend Lance back against his good leg sufficiently before his broken kneecap gave way. Jon shifted the choke hold to a dragon head lock and bent Lance’s body brutally back. But Jon’s wounded shoulder and kneecap proved to be too painful for him to use his full strength and Lance, after struggling in the brutal hold, was able to break free. He immediately turned the tables on Jon and got him in the same dragon head lock bending Jon’s back until it snapped.
Now came the climax of the death struggle. Jon was helpless with a torn shoulder, a broken kneecap, a stab wound in his thigh that was oozing blood, and a broken spine. Lance still covered with his and Jon’s blood, lifted Jon high in the air and slammed him into the dirt three times in succession before he went around behind the nearly dead Jon and clamped him in a sleeper hold. His right arm went around Jon’s neck while the left connected with the right and was placed against the side of Jon’s face. With biceps bulging he pressed relentlessly on the sleeper as Jon’s face turned a crimson red and his cock engorged to its full size and started to throb in mental response to imminent death. Lance continued the pressure until Jon’s body went limp although still breathing. He then shifted the sleeper into a full nelson. With biceps still bulging and his cock rampant and pressed against Jon’s back he brutally forced Jon’s head down until he heard a sharp snap and knew that Jon’s neck at snapped.

With Jon now dead Lance vented his long hatred of his opponent by fucking the corpse three ways. First he lay Jon’s lifeless body on its back, climbed onto his chest, and pried open Jon’s mouth. He rammed his mammoth cock into Jon’s mouth and fucked it until he felt the lava in his balls about to erupt at which time he withdrew his throbbing cock thus cutting the eruption short. He then flipped the dead body over and spread the legs apart. He spread the ass cheeks apart and rammed three fingers into the asshole. After fucking that hole for about a minute he proceeded to ram his whole fist in and fist fucked the ass until it was brutalized. Then, and only then,, did he take his mammoth cock and slam it deep into Jon’s ass and erupt with the fury of a primeval man. The death match was over.

The End

Thursday, March 27, 2008

NEW VID! What ahppens when you fight Steven Seagal and you don't stay down!

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Actual News Story from Reuters

SAN JOSE, Costa Rica (Reuters) - A group of U.S. tourists, including a former Marine, killed a Costa Rican mugger by breaking his neck after he pulled a gun on them in a Caribbean port, a local police official said on Thursday.

The cruise ship passengers told police they jumped on Wager Sagura, 20, to defend themselves when he pointed a .38 caliber revolver at them near the Caribbean port of Limon on Wednesday, and somehow snapped his neck, regional police director Luis Hernandez said.

Sagura died instantly and two other unidentified thieves, one of whom was armed with a knife, fled the scene, Hernandez said.

"One of the tourists was a former Marine and he was probably the one who broke (Sagura's) neck," Hernandez said. "His neck was completely snapped."

No charges will be filed against the tourists because police viewed the incident as an act of self-defense. Police questioned and released the group, which rejoined the cruise and left Cost Rica.

The Americans were passengers aboard the Carnival cruise ship Legend. They got off their tour bus to take photos in a notoriously rough neighborhood a short drive from Limon.

After the attack, they put Sagura's body on their bus and found a police officer in Limon to report the incident.


Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Monday, March 24, 2008

STORY REPOST Thanks always to


As I control you in my wrestling holds I am going to tell you of five ways that I can snap your neck, which will be coming at the end, although I will not let you know which one it will be, which will keep you thinking and leave you close to dementia when it finally happens. I can see your cock begin to stiffen just at the thought of what will happen.

But enough of this talk and lets get down to the five ways, ok? The first way is the most used and known by anybody that wrestles – it is the full nelson. I would get your head and neck in this great hold with my muscular arms pressing your head forward until it rested against your chest. Then I would power it just enough, not to the snapping point just yet, and force your arms high above your head. I might even lift you off the mat in the hold to stretch your back a little. But in the end I would bulge my biceps until your neck bones gave way and I would hear the loud crack and your head went limp in my locked arms.

The second way I would snap your neck is with a hangman hold. Coming up behind you I would turn around and reach back to grab your chin and lift you up against my muscular back. Your arms and legs would thrash about wildly as I lifted you off your feet. I then would bend forward which would lift your body even higher off the mat and stretch your neck to the limit. I then will pump you up and down while you scream through your clenched teeth. The ending of your torture will come when I suddenly bend down brutally stretching your neck so separate the bone connecting it with the spine thus snapping it.

The third way would be with a figure four scissor around your neck. With my thighs locked firmly around your neck I would squeeze it until you almost choked to death before I started to lift you off the mat with the hold and slam you back down hard. Each time you hit the mat the bones in your neck would be jarred with brutal force. The end would come when I did this maneuver but ended it with a brutal twist that snapped the bones.

I notice at this point that your cock is fully engorged in anticipation of your death climax. I can assure you that by the time I snap your neck it will be throbbing with excitement that you have no control over. When your senses tell you that the moment of your demise is cumming your balls will swell, your cock will stiffen to bursting, and the lava will start its journey of eruption. But I have not told you about the other two ways yet so you must wait.

The fourth way is with the dragon head lock. This is probably the most difficult to execute properly but is just as lethal. After I captured your neck under my armpit and clamped it in place I would slowly bend your back outward until you were standing on your toes. Your whole torso would be rigid with muscles as it was stretched to full length. Then comes the tricky part where I must bring you brutally down exactly on my bent knee so that your shoulder blade hits the knee and my arm twists your neck down at the exact moment that your shoulder hits my knee. Your neck then snaps where it connects to the spine.

The last one is one of my favorites – the sleeper hold. The excitement for me with this hold is the feeling of my arm around your head slowly squeezing you until you lose your physical attributes followed by mental collapse and are ready for the permanent dreamland. When I get you in this condition I take your head in a firm hold with one arm and with the other clamp my hand against your chin. Then with a violent twist that is both sideways and downward I separate your neck from your spine.

You are now ready to have me snap your neck. I can tell because your cock is throbbing wildly as if it cannot wait any longer for the lava building inside must erupt. So now that I have you in the last hold I have been describing to you it must be obvious that I am going to snap your neck with the sleeper. You now feel my arm squeeze your head, you feel my hand reach around to cup your chin, and you feel my biceps bulge against your face. Finally the explosion in your brain matches the explosion from your cock and you
slowly start to fade away…………


A brutal man stuns me by kneeing me in the face, then
beats the shit out of me. Finally, once I'm rendered
helpless by his vicious assault he KOs me. Naturally,
being a worthless masochistic bottom I have a maximum
hardon the whole time. Then he fucks me like the cunt
I am while I cry like a 14-year-old virgin bitch.
After his massive winner cock demolishes my loser
prostate I splooge all over as he fills my ass with
his hot huge load.
After he's beaten and fucked me half senseless, the
vicious heel props me in a sitting position on the
bench. Conscious but dazed, I reach up to the hands
that grab my face and the back of my head. He grinds
my head around painfully as my inneffectual arms try
to pry his hands free. Taking his time, the murderous
bastard twists my neck this way and that as I writhe,
paw, beg and yell. He cranks hard enough to the left
that a cracking sound is heard. Screaming, I find my
arms too weak to keep raised; they flounder by my
sides as my will is broken. Cum leaks from the tip of
my hard cock. Crunch! He yanks my head to the right
and my arms stop in place out to my sides.
"EEEEYAAAAHHH!" My smooth skin strains over the
rippling of my lean musculature and a jet of semen
shoots out. Crrrunch! "Uh uh uh uhuhuhuh." Farther to
the right; my arms drop limply and my body begins to
undulate as shot after shot of jism is flung from the
depths of my balls. My neck is shattered; my body
convulses and, still cumming, I let out a long throaty
moan, like a woman in ecstasy. My anus relaxes and his
huge white load begins drooling out of it. As my
twitching slowly lessens, he plays with my head,
rolling it around on its unnaturally flexible base. A
sustained gurgle escapes my lips as semen continues to
ooze from my cock and ass. He eases my body against
the wall. Manipulating my mouth, he mocks me: "Hi, I'm
a worthless bitch. I love to have my manhood taken
away from me. I just love being murdered. See how it
made me cum?" He chuckles contemptuosly and turns
away, leaving this ruined and dying boy to become a
corpse, alone.
NEW VID! Classic clip of Bolo Yeung taking care of buisness from Enter the Dragon.
New Vids! The conflict resolution techniques of the great Gary Daniels.

Sunday, March 23, 2008

Saturday, March 22, 2008





Maybe he has a neck break stipulated in every contract.

thighs of death

nice match-up, from LOST


Thursday, March 20, 2008


2 of the best neck snaps ever!

Muscle vs. authority

Those biceps- Man, that neck hasn't got a chance!

kurt vs. jason

Twice his age. Twice as fucking mean.

savage force

your neighbor's neck

You know how you have a few beers with the amateur bodybuilder that lives next door, and you start showing him how a guy in a film you saw snapped a guy's neck?

A favorite

